- Award for game console name most likely to be regretted by a major video game corporation
- Award for marketing agent most likely to get canned over a truly unfortunate name
for taking a great codename for a prototype (Revolution) and replacing it with...

The bad puns are already flowing [cough] heavily. A few come readily to mind:
- I need a Wii now! I can't wait until this fall!
- "Mum, I finished my homework. Can I play with my Wii some more?"
- "Hey Mom, Roger's bringing his Wii over. We're going to connect his Wii to my Wii and then we'll play all night."
- "We are the Knights who say Wii!"
- Wii Willy Winky runs through town, upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown. Knocking on the window, crying through the lock "Are the children all in bed? It’s past eight o’clock."
- "Pass me that wemote contwol pwease?" -- Elmer Fudd redux
- "Do you have any Wii in stock?" asked the customer. "Or course we do," exclaimed the clerk, "Urine GameStop!"
1 comment:
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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