Dec 3, 2006

No, I'm not always playing video games

Sometimes I even take the skytrain. I prefer not to lately, only to justify the money I spend on gas and car insurance... but the recent snowfall in Vancouver, which is just now beginning to melt away, made it impossible for our snow-tire-lacking car to emerge from the driveway.

As such, we were forced to take the skytrain to the BC Fed convention being held down at the Canada Place convention Centre. Apparently everyone else in Vancouver had the same idea, as six trains passed before we were able to force ourselves onboard. One station down from us, Broadway, Skypigs were holding people down on the ground level because the number of people on the station platform was reaching unsafe levels.

Each previously automated train had to be run by a driver since the snow on the tracks had short circuited the computer-control.

Here's is the view from behind the operator's head as we chugged along at half-speed towards our destination:

And for those of you who really like Sky-trains and snow... here's an extended video to music by some other Vancouverite I'v never met.

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