Feb 27, 2007

Got this from my friend James

Horrible song, but I love it a lot anyway.


Jason Harman said...

Yep... you guys are heavily invested in this whole gaming thing...

I did not know people actually made songs about how much they love their console over the other guys... forget sectarian conflict in Iraq ya got it all here.

Ghostofasmile said...

Hey Jason, just to let you know I'm not much of a gamer. I'm just sucked into Eckman's vortex(haven't played the game either). First it is the Communist Party then video games. Who knows what is next?

Jason Harman said...

Here's what's next, this missing link that unites all of Ekman's obsessions:

A tipster sends word that The Porn Talk, a site backed by a secretive faith-based ministry in California, is prepping to attack Nintendo's Wii and other gaming devices, calling them "portals to porno" in a press release.


Jason Harman said...


is the whole URL in case it didn't come through in the previous message.

Divisions - with Aaron Ekman said...

It's true... I couldn't satisfy my porn needs with two PC's and a widescreen LCD alone.

I had to get a Wii... cause you never know when you're going to get the urge to haul a game console, a motion sensing bar, a remote-shaped controller, a nun-chuck attachment, all the applicable cords and attachments, and a portable TV, down to the local coffee shop so you can spread your Wii-filth in public

Jason Harman said...

Are you doubting the Christian Right Mister? I better hope you ain't cause the new Jeebus is like a cross between that dude in Halo and Mario. Oh yeah.